Producer On New THE HAUNTED Album: 'No Click Tracks, No Triggers, No Faking It'

May 6, 2008

Swedish thrashers THE HAUNTED entered PUK studio in Denmark on April 1 to begin recording their new album with producer Tue Madsen (HEAVEN SHALL BURN, DARK TRANQUILLITY, MOONSPELL, etc),who had previously worked with the group on their two most recent CDs, "rEVOLVEr" and "The Dead Eye".

Madsen has posted the following update on his web site:

"This past month I have been keeping busy with THE HAUNTED!!! We were in PUK studios in Denmark to record the music and went to Gothenburg to do the vocals at IF studios [owned by members of IN FLAMES]. Peter [Dolving] had some weird shit going on in his mouth though (infection, operation, can't sing kinda thing)... so some of the vocals were done a little later at the Antfarm, where the mix took place as well. Pretty much all the music was recorded live in the studio!!!! No click tracks, no triggers, no faking it... just good old making music the way it used to be back when you had to actually be able to play your shit to do it. And we recorded 21 tracks!!!! You better make sure you get the special edition because at this stage I can't name one song which is not worthy of being on the album!! It's 21 great tracks I promise!!"

Peter Dolving previously stated about THE HAUNTED's new material, "It sounds fucking ridiculously heavy. It's all got a heavier groovier feel to to it than anything we've done before. I mean, even some of the new songs that are in the vein of 'Hate Song' or '99' just sound waaay heavier, for some reason. I have to leave the mixing room 'cause I get so jacked on adrenaline, 'cause it makes me want to break shit. And that is somehow a good thing."

A four-minute video clip from the studio can be viewed below.

Working songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Walk on Water", "Final Regression", "You", "Faultline" and "Narcotic".

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